VPSC key services on a page
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VPSC key guidance, policies and resources on a page
.Public sector integrity and guidance
- Code of conduct for Victorian public sector employees
- Employment principles and standards
- Code of conduct for employees of special bodies
- Conflict of interest guidance
- Gifts, benefits and hospitality accountabilities and model policy
- Grievances and complaints information
- Guide for employees during election periods
- Informing and advising ministers in the Victorian Public Service (VPS) advice
- Pre-employment and misconduct screening resources
- Public sector integrity framework
- The Victorian Register of Lobbyists
Public sector boards
- Code of conduct for directors of Victorian public entities
- Establishing portfolio governance arrangements resources
- Lobbying obligations as a public board director
- Resources to support Victorian public sector board directors, chairs and entities
Data and Insights
- People matter survey: the Victorian public sector’s independent employee opinion survey
- State of the public sector: data and research into the Victorian public sector workforce
- Workforce data collection
Workforce Management & Diversity
- Acknowledging the lived experience of Aboriginal employees: data and insights to help improve the experience for Aboriginal employees in the public sector
- Barring Djinang First Peoples’ Workforce Development Framework
- Creating a mentally healthy work environment guide
- Disability employment resources
- Flexible work policy and resources
- Gender affirmation in Victorian public sector workplaces
- Inclusive and hybrid work resources
- Neurodiversity Employment Toolkit
- People metrics guide
- Prevention of sexual harassment model policy and guide
- VPS capability framework
- Wellbeing toolkit for people managers to support teams
- Working in Government resources portal
- Careers.Vic
- Innovation Network
- Jobs and Skills Exchange
- Join a Public Board
- Public Boards Appointments Victoria
- Victorian Public Sector Commission