Priority 2.1 Communications and marketing content developed by VPSC is accessible and inclusive

Action 2.1.1

Develop a formal policy and process which sets out our commitment to ensure accessibility requirements are met for communication and marketing content within VPSC


Communications and Engagement

Success measure

Policy and processes developed and easily accessible for all employees and stakeholders.


November 2019

Action 2.1.2

Understand accessibility of internal and external VPSC digital resources against Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Standards 2.1 Level AA, and where possible, Level AAA


Workforce and Engagement

Success measure

Audit of high traffic digital resources undertaken.

A phased implementation plan with ongoing governance is created to ensure digital resources are accessible.

Monitoring and review mechanism established to ensure ongoing accessibility.
Remedial actions on high priority historic items completed.


January 2020 – December 2021

Action 2.1.3

Regularly feature people with disability in our internal and external marketing and communications materials to communicate that the public sector reflects (or should reflect) the Victorian community it serves


Communications and Engagement

Success measure

Number of news stories shared with VPSC stakeholders.


January 2020 – December 2021


Priority 2.2 Employees are equipped with the knowledge to create accessible content and deliver accessible services

Action 2.2.1

Training and resources are developed in relation to development of accessible materials, including visual and audio materials


Communications and Engagement

Success measure

Training offered to employees and integrated into role learning.

Training schedule created.


March 2019

Action 2.2.2

VPSC employees have undergone National Relay Service training.


Workforce and Engagement


December 2019


Priority 2.3 Events hosted by VPSC are accessible and inclusive

Action 2.3.1

Adopt an accessible event checklist and implement when designing functions


Communications and Engagement

Success measure

Feedback from participants of events show high levels of satisfaction in relation to the accessibility of events.

Events planning checklist incorporates accessibility.


March 2019


Priority 2.4 Story telling is used at VPSC to promote awareness and inclusion at VPSC

Action 2.4.1

Implement a strong communications and marketing and engagement plan to: share stories of current employees; and explain benefits and what’s already great for people with disability working in the sector.


Communications and Engagement

Success measure

Case studies, stories and accessible documents easily accessed on VPSC managed websites including Careers Vic website.


June 2019