The aim of this module is to:
- learn about strategic workforce planning in the context of the Victorian public sector and why we do it
- gain an understanding of the strategic workforce planning process
- understand the outcomes of strategic workforce planning and the intersection with other HR and business activities.
By the end of this module, you’ll understand what strategic workforce planning is and the stages you’ll work through.
Activities in this module
Activity 1: Understanding the process
To understand the process, first read:
- overview of strategic workforce planning
- before you start strategic workforce planning
- tips on running workshops in every stage.
Then take a few minutes to note down your answers to these questions:
- What type of workforce planning is currently in place in your organisation?
- Is workforce planning aligned with the organisation’s strategy?
- Is workforce planning part of the business planning cycle?
Activity 2: Deciding if strategic workforce planning is right for you
To work out if your business area needs strategic workforce planning, use the:
Evaluation matrix (PowerPoint, 1.1MB)
A score of 1 shows you have a high need for strategic workforce planning and a score of 9 a low need.
Answer these questions to help you with this activity:
Step 1: Disruptions vs preparedness
Thinking of the next 3 to 5 years:
- Is there a significant disruption or change expected to the way you work or the type of work you do?
- For example, will you have any technological disruptions or increased expectations on service delivery?
- How prepared is your workforce for these changes?
- Do you have the skills to do the work?
- Do you have the right number of people to do this work?
Step 2: Sourcing vs pace of change
Thinking of the next 3 to 5 years:
- Will your organisation outsource parts of the work your business area does or keep doing it internally?
- What are the costs of an outsourced vs internal model?
- How quickly are these changes likely to take place?
How to run this module as a workshop
To run this module as a workshop, use:
Module 1 workshop slides, facilitator guide and speaking notes (PowerPoint, 1.3MB)
Workshop facilitator tips for this module
If you run this as a workshop:
- many people can feel daunted by the process at first, so let them know they’ll do it in modules so no one gets overwhelmed
- people have different experiences, lenses and perspectives, so welcome and value their contributions so you don’t miss anything
- include a mix of employees at different levels and in different roles from your business area for diverse views
- remind everyone no one needs experience in strategic workforce planning to do this, as that’s what this toolkit is for.
Workshop timeframes
Prepare workshop: 30 minutes
Run workshop: 1 hour
Total: 1 hour and 30 minutes